Tuesday, 8 October 2013

week 5 part 3

Well it has been a hectic 48 hours, I have arranged 10 pieces of music and rehearsed them iwth the children to cover the next two Sundays in the Cathedral.

See, even get pictures of me at work when I let children have control of my camera!! He was supposedly taking pictures of the Taekwondo practice happening, Sumita and friend practising for the National Championships and some extra tuition with a expert from State level - but he took this as well.

It is a bit frustrating not having the cellos yet as I am arranging this music for two violins and violas and will need to rearrange again when the cellos come. So in the end some of the songs will have three arrangements.

So they have all practised them and I will get one more practice at 7.00 a.m. tomorrow before they leave for their homes at 8.00 a.m.. It is the big Hindu festival of Durgapuja for the next week and they all go home. They are excited as they all have new clothes for this festival and go to the fair and other places. Fourteen of them have volunteered to come back and play for the service in the Cathedral on Sunday as we will have a full church as the Womens Convention is meeting here this weekend.

Sumita doing a Taekwondo bout with her instructor under the watchful eye of the expert from the state. They did five hours of training yesterday. Then she also had an extra dance lesson when the dance teacher came for something else that is happening.

At the weekend some of the boys helped Pradip to plant out seedlings tomatoes and others.

24 hours later it looked like this!!!

Luckily the soil does drain away reasonably fast so it is ok again.

There have been swarms of dragonflies flying and darting around for the past couple of weeks. The rainy season should have finished by now but is still raining a lot.

Shyamlal and Sanju helping cook dinner with Pradip in their kitchen. They're cooking potatoes to have with their eggs for dinner. One can often find one of the boys helping, often draining the rice, moving it from the pan to a big basket used for draining the water.

Today appears to be spring cleaning day. The children are all cleaning their rooms, and making sure everything is off the floor and stored up on the top bunks while they are away. They are cleaning the courtyard with caustic soda and scrubbing it down, so it is a bit smelly!!

The cars are all being cleaned but that is a usual daily event. Subhijit has already gone home, his father came to collect him, he lives quite a distance away in a village so he will miss his violin class today, not too drastic as he will play cello when they come.

They have been held up due to the weather. At the end of September they were varnishing and polishing them but due to all the rain and humidity they haven't completely dried and now it is holiday season but hope to have them in two weeks.

Here some more of them pictures of them practising because they want to.

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