Sunday, 13 January 2013

A busy Weekend

Sorry no blogging over the weekend as it turned out to be busy.

On Thursday the Principal of St Peters School, a school of 2000 Nursery to class 10 (about 16) invited me to be Guest of Honour at their Sports day on Saturday. Chief Guest was the principal of the School grounds they were using. The Principal is also involved in the DWFCS programmes run a the centres. I accepted the invitation , and so had lunch at 11 on Saturday as the car taking me and the Bishop's wife, Mrs Rita Dutta who was also a guest left at 11.30.

The Chief guest was late, so I was asked to take the March Past of all the contestants, light the flame when it was given to me by the Head Boy and Head Girl, along with Mrs Dutta release two doves for peace and harmony, unfurl the Indian flag for them to sing the national anthem  and then to declare the games open. And a further task as I watched the games over the afternoon to decide which of the four houses was most disciplined over the afternoon.

The afternoon started with a cultural dance display based on the national flag with the peacock in the middle.
The races started with the little ones who had the Humpty Dumpty race, (the boys all had cushions under their shirts), the umbrella race, Little Miss Muffet Race, Sleeping beauty race (the princes ran to their sleeping Beauty, woke them and ran as a couple to the finish line, Little Red Riding hood and so on. I also gave out some of the prizes to the little ones, they received toys. The picture is of the umbrella race.
Before the primary section started their race there was an exercise display by hundreds of children all doing the same thing.Then they had very much the same races as we have, running, skipping and sack race.
Before the older children there was a display of gymnastics from boys and girls.
 All racing for team points, with four houses, red, blue,green and yellow and receiving Gold, Silver and Bronze medals. The Chief guest did arrive and was introduced and presented some of the medals and prizes to the younger ones but left after an hour (it was about 4 1/2 hours long). So at the end I presented all the cakes - for relays, winning house, best march past, best disciplined and the overall trophy which went to yellow house.

Sorry no photos of me doing any of these things, but couldn't take photos of myself but there was a photographer there taking many photos so I am trying to arrange to get some copies. An enjoyable afternoon  and coffee, biscuits, oranges all served to me as I sat watching.

AS I sat on late on Friday morning in the library, where I usually am in the morning, the Pastor of the United Church came in and asked me to preach the Harvest Festival on Sunday and gave me the readings. He also invited me to lunch afterwards. So with under 48hours to go I had a sermon to write, that had to be translated and I was going out for most of Saturday. But God is good, I used time after lunch to read the three readings and make notes and then in the evening instead of being with the children I worked on the sermon, with just the few electronic theology books to help that I have on my computer and by 8 the next morning it was basically done. So after the violin lesson I was able to print it ready for the Sunday morning.

It was a 9.00a.m. service but at 9 only three in the congregation so we waited and started at ten past as it was a special service. Many have to wait for buses to get there. So when I went in there were about 30 by the time I stood up to preach the church was full and at communion over 100 took communion (the women take first and then the men) and 24 children. There was some fruit and vegetables given but most give an envelop of money as they work in the factory nearby. The fruit and veg were auctioned off after the service by a very energetic and enthusiastic auctioneer.
I had many comments of appreciation for the sermon and the pastor was pleased with it and said it was good for them to hear. I preached on Deuteronomy 8:7-18, the Old Testament passage set for their Harvest Festival - giving thanks for all our gifts.
The church is still decorated for Christmas, not sure when they take down the decorations as they are still up at St Michaels too where we have our daily worship.
After the service I had lunch with the pastor and his wife who live in a flat just near the church. As I arrived back at St Michaels, I was greeted by 9 of the older ones out in the courtyard practising their violins. We eventually made them put them away to have their lunch at 1.30 but by three they had them out to practice again. It is great having such enthusiastic students.
A busy but good weekend.

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