Thursday, 10 January 2013

Life is settling into a routine. This morning the older ones used their bows for the first time and were making a very good sound on their G & D strings at the end of the lesson. They are having lessons 6 days a week for the moment as their first performance is in three weeks. They have a wonderful attitude and always want to give of their best.

The start of every session of schooling here starts with prayer and sometimes singing as well, which may be in Bengali, Hindi or English.

My meals consist very much of rice and vegetables, cooked in different ways with sometimes eggs or chicken. They are growing most of the vegetables they are using at present themselves. The children being taught how to grow and look after them so that they will be able to grow their own later in life.
These are cauliflowers growing beneath my bedroom window, and also mustard. You can also see the bowls being washed from making the breakfast for the children, they also wash their plates in the morning their and some of the older ones wash their own clothes there.
This is a big plot of potatoes growing and some other vegetables beyond. And then beyond that is still some rough ground where you will often see the children playing when they have spare time. In 2005 there was nothing on this plot when Bishop Probal Dutta arrived. This has all been built and develop in the last 8 years and is still growing.

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