Tuesday, 15 January 2013

A typical day at present

My typical day during the week at present is to wake about 6.15-6.30 depending when I hear the children all being woken up.So I get up, turn on the water machine, turn on the little hot water tank (no electrical things to be left on or plugged in unless in use except the refrigerator). Fill the kettle from the water machine and put it on to boil while do my daily bible reading. Then the hot water is ready so I can use the hand held shower. Then make my tea and breakfast and wash the couple of dishes. Take down the mosquito net and make the bed and prepare to start teaching.

The youngsters have all picked up their violins, music and music stands and gone across to the big hall, under the diocesan offices by 7.50a.m. I tune them all up and by 8.00 am they are playing. This morning we started to play violin 2 part I have arranged of St Anthony Chorale by Haydn, which will be one of the pieces they play at the Cultural Programme. Each session starts with a warm up before we go on to play pieces. So they play for a full hour and pack up and return everything to the library where they are kept.

At 9.20 all the staff meet in the church for a short time of worship, a hymn, a bible reading and prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer.

I the usually work preparing the next lessons, if necessary working on arrangements for 1st and 3rd February. Answering emails and writing blog. Talking to children as they come by and see me either going to or coming home from school. They all seem to have different times depending what class they are in. And then practising my violin and if there are some youngsters around expanding my vocabulary in Bengali. During the morning my room is usually cleaned for me.

1.00p.m. is my lunchtime in the Dining Hall. Then a time of rest and quiet until about 3.00 p.m.I usually listen to music, read or just rest Then the afternoon children start arriving the the rest coming back from school. The youngsters play and at 3.25 the bell is rung and they all line up in the playground. They sing two or three songs, in either Bengali or English or both with actions. Say the Lord's prayer before they go into their classrooms. I help with the homework that the youngsters have until 5.30. Some of the hostel students on certain days have IT training from someone that comes in from outside. Some also disappear for marching practice as they do a march past at the sports day coming up and prize for the best centre. Fridays is Taekwondo day for everyone. They did very well just before Christmas at a competition and wond 7 gold medals, 9 silver and 2 bronzes and won the overall trophy.

So these are photos of them winning. Some will go on to the state competition which is the same day as Sports Day, so at least the Gold medals winners will hopefully go if it can be arranged with everything else.

At 5.30 they have a 15 minute play session, and usually come the tennis balls, the basket balls and badminton things. At 5.45 they line up say grace and go round to the kitchen to get their healthy snack. The day scholars then go home and the young children then have their violin lesson from 6-7p.m.

7.00 p.m is then my dinner time and I go back and spend time with the youngsters until they go to dinner at 8.00. The little ones then go to bed, as for most of them they go to school just after 7. I then spend time with the older ones, some days it is watching tv, can follow some but sometimes they watch English movies, other days talking and chatting.

Then at some point off to bed. putting up mosquito net. The mosquitos seem to like me whether I use tropical strength repellent or not.At least at night I know they won't get me.

I will probably be a lot healthier when I return as I eat lots of fruit and veg at my meals, no biscuits or cakes most of the time. I did have bourbon biscuits through when I was guest of honour on Saturday. I must own up to buying some biscuits though when I went shopping but am eating them very sparingly.

The centre here also has a tailoring section, I went up there the other afternoon as the tailor is making shoulder rests for the violins for me. The students will wear white shirts and black skirts or trousers with red bows when they perform. There again it will be made in the tailor department. This trains some local people and gives them work and a skill. A few of the other centres also have sewing centres, and one does a six month diploma.

So life is slower here on the whole. Most things are done for me, room cleaning, washing, my lunch and dinner cooked and served and cleared up. But if I were to try and do any of these things then I would be taking a job away from these people who need the work to feed their families. Chai is also brought to me morning and afternoon, hot sweet tea - how it is automatically served (so I do get some sugar in my diet).

 So this picture is taken from the back where the youngsters play. My room is the third from the left at the top.
So taken from my room, the children playing out back and their washing on the line. Some though spread their washing on the ground to dry.

By the guest cottages the roses at present are looking lovely. and the gardens near them.
Tomorrow guests start arriving, so I shan't have to eat all my lunches and dinners on my own. They did have some guest in for 48 hours from Australia sorting out a project they are involved in so had dinner with them on Saturday evening. They then came up stairs in the hostel where the older children were practising and they were very impressed with their playing.

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