Thursday, 10 October 2013

Wekk 5 part 4

Just a quick update before things get busy for the weekend.

All the children went home yesterday as it is the biggest of the Hindu Festivals - Durgapuja. It is strange and quiet without them and having no classes.

I did shock some of them though that live in the slums down the road as I went down later in the morning with Raja. They were very pleased to show me round their homes. I have been three other times but they have always been in school or at the hostel so was good to see it with them and meet their parents.

Last night we were taken for a drive to see the lights they put up for the festival and take photos. We went fairly early and it was busy then and some roads shut off. We were not allowed out of the car for our own safety. People looked splendid all dressed up, fairs, dancing and food. Music has gone all all night that I hve heard from my room.

This weekend is the Womens convention here for the Diocese, three from each church this year so about 100 people. Some sessions being led by Rev Helga Cornal from England and her friend Hazel. So I have people to dine with too.

I have some pictures but not the time to load them ( internet is very slow here)

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