Sunday, 20 January 2013

19th and 20th January

As I said in my last blog we have a team in from America, they are from the Seacoast Dream Centre, South Carolina. Thursday evening I left after dinner as they started a debrief. On Friday evening they asked me to stay, and to share Highs and Lows of the day with them as they did. I continued to stay with them hearing about the two clinics they had held during the day and some cultural problems they had come up against during the prayer ministry part of the day. The bishop came across to help them to know what to do if it occurred again but wasn't likely to at the weekend events. It was at an open clinic and a mother had given permission for prayer for her child but the father, a Hindu, suddenly appeared and snatched her away. He did not want her prayed for. It has been known for fathers to beat their children if they have had prayer and they don't want them to. So the teams prayer then was that she would be safe from harm.

The weekend saw them going to Bankura, just over an hours drive from here where one of the other centres is, this is the Inter Faith Study centre. They were holding a special weekend Called "Festival of Joy"    bible study and healing prayer workshops, along with clinics and open session in the evening.

Having a quiet day on the Saturday with just the two violin lessons to teach, I spent time with the children watching tv, playing games, watching their dance lesson later in the afternoon.

On Sunday I went to Bankura with the American team. It took about an hour and half in the traffic to get there, small roads and lots of trucks which are limited to 40km per hour. Here is a short video clip of one village we passed through.

So we arrived at the church in Bankura about 10.0 am when sessions would start, but we received refreshment first and then the teaching sessions started. I was introduced also to the people there.We started with a  time of worship before the teaching sessions began. All those there were invited from that area of the diocese to attend and weekend to be able to extend their prayer ministry in the area.
There was a lot in the teaching sessions but they did have a booklet of notes for the weekend. I was glad of a break for lunch as I don't think I could have taken any more in having sat through sessions - healing our image of God, Deliverance and healing, and the role of the Holy Spirit in healing.

For lunch we travelled just a short distance to the Bishops House - no he doesn't live there as he lives in Durgapur, but the house is used for church work when needed.
It is set in many acres of land and was built as the home of the Methodist Superintendent in the area originally. Lisa went into the garden to take pictures of a litter of wild puppies, they did look cute but quickly retreated when she was told they had killed two cobras recently and knew of at least three more in the area!

On the land now they have a primary school, a boys school and a girls high school as well as a Christian college.All with plenty of space around, there were youngsters playing on the sports area.

After lunch saw another hour and half of teaching and prayer ministry to those attending. Then it was clinic time set up in the centre behind the church all in one room.
When they first came in they would be weighed and have blood pressure taken (not children) and then sit down and have temperature taken, name and age and asked what symptoms were. By the middle of the session I had been taught how to take blood pressures with the machine and that became my job for the rest of the session releasing Harriet you can see in the picture to prayer ministry. As I think I have said before I never know what is going to turn up each day or what I may be doing.So I successfully weighed and and took blood pressures. After this they waited to see one of the two doctors for a consultation
So two doctors at table with translators and two patients, there is a screen for those need examination. Then off to the pharmacy table for free medicines if needed and all were given tooth brush and tooth paste as well.
As the session ended we had a couple of free minutes so played frisbee with some of the children about.
Then a quick break for a snack in the ministers house adjacent to the church.
It was a really good day and I'll finish it my next blog.

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