Thursday, 17 January 2013

Friday 18th January


Yesterday a team of doctors and nurses from South Carolina arrived. It was clinic day here and there were plenty of people waiting to be seen.
The team didn't waste any time and straight after lunch they were working in the clinic.
Today the team headed off straight after breakfast to hold a clinic at one of the church buildings in Durgapur and will give the children from St Peters School nearby check ups this afternoon.

It is good to have their company at lunch and dinner as I have sat and eaten on my own for the past couple of weeks. But the time here will be busy with many coming to stay as they build up to the Thanksgiving Service on 3rd February and the many other events they have going on. I have just received an envelope with invitations to 5 things happening.

The American team also brought with them some laminated cards  with the alphabet with a verse from the bible beginning with each letter and a thought or prayer to go with it and finishing with the words of "Jesus loves me this I know" They gave them out at the children's dinner last night.

and here they are eating dinner.
I'm keeping fit, yesterday I played cricket for an hour with youngsters that were filling their time in middle of the day. Then later basketball with some of the children and then badminton.

They usually find something to do when they haven't got classes and as it is coming up to different displays at events you will often find them practising as I did yesterday. Here are Chandni and Jumana practising a dance with Sanju and Priti watching. Priti is the new child that came into the hostel this week and they are still sorting out her schooling but she works in Class 1 in the afternoons.

Every staff member is very busy here, everything has had a new lick of paint, the gardens are looking wonderful, and as I am sitting typing this I have seen beds going by from one place to another as they prepare rooms for guests.

My younger group of violinists (age 5-11) are now reading music on the open  strings and understanding their rhythm notation. We have ordered 5 small violins as donations have come in and they should arrive next week which means the littlest ones will find it easier and then I can start the bow with them.

The older group continue to work hard and this morning we started to use the first finger with just exercises and how to hold our left hand and arm and produce a good sound. We often have people wandering to listen and they are all impressed with how the youngsters are doing. They are wonderful to work with.

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