Sunday, 29 September 2013

Week 4

On Saturday I put the evening group of players and the evening group of players together to play as one group. I had 1st, 2nd and 3rd violins and violas. I have been spending time trying to get them to count. To play music they have not heard, as often they will not have the tune and the rhythms for each part of the orchestra will not be the same. Most of the hymns they have played to make it easier I kept the rhythms the same. They did very well for a first time but this will become a weekly session bringing in the cellos and eventually all the little children as well so all 31 play together. I was too busy conducting and forgot to take a picture of them all together in the upstairs room as the cathedral and big hall were being used by conference.

The morning violas are doing exceptionally well. In one week they have completed the whole book Viola Time Joggers and one of the  pieces at the back is of Grade 1 standard. They do have lessons six days a week but they have transferred very well and reading alto clef and knowing its note names well. They are also really enjoying playing it and the sound it makes.

This weekend there was a Youth With a Mission conference going on here, and some children were part of the families, one girl wanted to play, asking here father and she both mornings she watched the lessons. One person said it was lovely waking up to hear the violas first and then joined by the violins playing.

Yesterday, Sunday, was St Michael's and All Angels day, so as the church is St Michaels they had a joint service, English service congregation and Bangla followed by more singing and then refreshments. I was there for two and half hours. I didn't pick up too much as it was all in Bangla but I think it was the 49th St Michaels day in that church. The church was also decorated with more flowers and the outside with marigold garlands.

It did mean that as the service was a bit later, just for one day I got to have a little lie in. :)

I'm getting  a bit of exercise, as when I went shopping the other week I bought a new basketball, as they didn't have one that bounced anymore. They get used very heavily on this concrete. So Raja said that was fine but if the children used it then I had to play with it too!! So I have been and the boys are a bit peeved because I have beaten them a few times, they're asking me to miss the basket! Mind you one or two them them are very good. We are working on not pulling each other or taking balls out of hands. Also starting on not double dribbling but it is good exercise.

Also bought some more badminton shuttlecocks so been playing that too. Not today though, it's as if I'm back in England, just raining. Most of the time the rain hasn't come in till lunchtime but not today, just wet and gloomy and the children have a day off. So have played word bingo with them and beetle.

The children are coming in very excited at the moment as they have just been given new skirts or shorts for school.

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