Well each week is very different.
Monday started with a six hour power cut while they did some work at the substation just down the road in connection with the new buildings. So hot, can't use computers no fans, Ann and I went shopping to the Junction, an air conditioned shopping mall. I had been there to eat but not for shopping so it was good to be able to browse all kinds of shops and treat myself and start my Christmas shopping.
Ann left after lunch to return to America and the power came back on. But it has been one of those weeks, power has gone off and on like a yo-yo.
Monday evening I was sitting with the children and one of them started playing with my hair, as they often do and then said "Oh you've got lice" Their generosity in sharing everything!! So they picked a few out and then Chandni said "Hold your hand out here's a big juicy fat lice" I said "I don't want it just get rid of it." The joys of living here. So I treated by hair and combed them out and Chandni looked at my hair last night, Miss you have no lice now - so I said I treated it and combed them out. I will treat again next week just in their may be an odd egg or two still there that may hatch.
So having got over that Tuesday and Wednesday nights little ants got in my bed and and made a feast of me!! So bed linen changed and moved bed slightly so hopefully not repercussions, there hasn't been so far.
Last night we had a spectacular thunderstorm that lasted for well over an hour. It was right over head with very loud claps of thunder. Looked like daylight when the lightening flashed. But even though the power went off, in the hostel their is some solar power so there is a light in every room still so still did violin class with the lightening flashing and the claps of thunder. Difficult to hear at times.
Any way let's put up a few more photos of the weekend:
The window at the front of the cathedral
Papu, Philip, Simon and Priti waiting to go to the Cathedral for the service.
I'm standing with the girls waiting. Guess who we are waiting for - all the boys only appearing on their deadline. They took longer to get ready than the girls and they had done a dance practice too.
The younger girls dressed in their saris ready to perform at the celebration programme. There is only one standard size for saris so there is a lot of folding and pleating so they can dance and not trip over. The traditional dance they did was about a bride so Priyanka has much more decoration as she plays the part of the bride.
Mrs Kobiraj and Chandni helping Shanti with her hair as they get into their costumes to perform.
All preparing to sing. They love singing and they soak up new songs and remember all the words, which is more than I do. They loved "Come on and celebrate" and sang it with great gusto.
Monday started with a six hour power cut while they did some work at the substation just down the road in connection with the new buildings. So hot, can't use computers no fans, Ann and I went shopping to the Junction, an air conditioned shopping mall. I had been there to eat but not for shopping so it was good to be able to browse all kinds of shops and treat myself and start my Christmas shopping.
Ann left after lunch to return to America and the power came back on. But it has been one of those weeks, power has gone off and on like a yo-yo.
Monday evening I was sitting with the children and one of them started playing with my hair, as they often do and then said "Oh you've got lice" Their generosity in sharing everything!! So they picked a few out and then Chandni said "Hold your hand out here's a big juicy fat lice" I said "I don't want it just get rid of it." The joys of living here. So I treated by hair and combed them out and Chandni looked at my hair last night, Miss you have no lice now - so I said I treated it and combed them out. I will treat again next week just in their may be an odd egg or two still there that may hatch.
So having got over that Tuesday and Wednesday nights little ants got in my bed and and made a feast of me!! So bed linen changed and moved bed slightly so hopefully not repercussions, there hasn't been so far.
Last night we had a spectacular thunderstorm that lasted for well over an hour. It was right over head with very loud claps of thunder. Looked like daylight when the lightening flashed. But even though the power went off, in the hostel their is some solar power so there is a light in every room still so still did violin class with the lightening flashing and the claps of thunder. Difficult to hear at times.
Any way let's put up a few more photos of the weekend:
The window at the front of the cathedral
Papu, Philip, Simon and Priti waiting to go to the Cathedral for the service.
I'm standing with the girls waiting. Guess who we are waiting for - all the boys only appearing on their deadline. They took longer to get ready than the girls and they had done a dance practice too.
The younger girls dressed in their saris ready to perform at the celebration programme. There is only one standard size for saris so there is a lot of folding and pleating so they can dance and not trip over. The traditional dance they did was about a bride so Priyanka has much more decoration as she plays the part of the bride.
Mrs Kobiraj and Chandni helping Shanti with her hair as they get into their costumes to perform.
All preparing to sing. They love singing and they soak up new songs and remember all the words, which is more than I do. They loved "Come on and celebrate" and sang it with great gusto.
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