Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Prayer Newsletter 1- 22nd October 2012

Dear Family and friends

Time seems to be going very fast and it seems like it will not be long before I am heading off to Durgapur on 2nd January 2013. My plans and preparations seem to be going well, I am learning some Bangla (Bengali) and beginning to understand the script. My plane tickets are bought, travel insurance and all my health jabs and medications are in place.

I have been finding and sorting music resources and arrangements and pieces I have used for very beginners before and I am looking forward to being able to give these youngsters a new skill and hopefully something they can use in their lives but overall to have an enjoyment of music. The Diocesan Women’s Fellowship for Christian Services in the Diocese of Durgapur (CNI) who run the children’s centres for the underprivileged children aim to give them a whole range of activities and skills that they can access to enhance their lives and give them a chance to make something of their lives as they grow up, this is in addition to the basic education that the government provides.

I am raising £1500 towards instruments, the costs of the instruments are violins/violas about £60 and cellos £200, of which just over £300 has been raised so far. Bishop Probal will arrange to take me to buy the instruments in Kolkata after I arrive there. I am looking at 12 violin/violas and 4 cellos as a starter group and to be balanced, if more money is raised then I would get extra violins. Chris Lowe at Knaphill Methodist Church is looking after the money for instruments and if you wish to raise funds or donate to these there is a form is at the bottom of the letter.

I thank God that all the funds I need to cover the costs to go India are raised, but at present I do not have my living costs which Bishop Probal tells me is about £10 a day living in the church compound and on this trip I shall be there 100 days. If you wish to donate to my living costs then please give or send donations to either Rev Nick Oborski, 29 West Hill Ave, Epsom, KT19 8LE or Rev Dave Faulkner, 48 Lane End Drive, Knaphill, Woking, GU21 2QG (cheques payable to Mrs Ruth Pugh)

Prayer needs at this time are:
1)     For myself as I continue to prepare to go to India.
2)     For the children in Durgapur who wish to learn to play a string instrument, to give them a heart to want to learn and enjoy making music.
3)     For someone in Durgapur willing to learn to play the instruments and also how to run an ensemble so that the ensemble will continue when I am not there.
4)     For my visa application as I put it in in December that it will be granted, it will be dated from the day it is granted and therefore I need it not to start shortly before I go out so that I may return for another visit later in the year as Bishop Probal as requested that I apply for a multitrip visa, but that does mean I have to be back here for at least two months between each trip.
5)     For preparations in Durgapur for my arrival.
6)     For all those who are raising and donating money towards instruments and my living costs including the coffee morning at KMC on 3rd November.
I am greatly looking forward to beginning this challenge and to enjoy imparting my passion for making music, especially in a group with these youngsters.

In my next prayer letter I let you know how you can find my blog (that my son is setting up for me) so that you can log onto it see what I am doing as I will update regularly  so you can see pictures and videos of my time there.

Thank you all for you continued love, support and prayers
With love and God bless


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