Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tuesday 9th April

Time really is running away fast now - I leave here about midday on Friday to travel back. Days though are continuing very much as always with all the violin classes and recorder class through out the day the the centre from 3.00p.m-6.00p.m. Every time I go for lunch through they are counting down my days for me - I did ask them if they are trying to get rid of me but no, they're looking forward to my return in September.

As the weather is getting hotter the compound is not looking as pretty as all the marigolds and dahlias are over and have been dug up. There are still the sunflowers at the end of the guest houses and often I disturb a parrot having a feast on the seeds. There are lots of butterflies around but they do not land long enough for me to take a picture.

So I'm trying to sort out what I leave here ready for September and what needs to come back with me. Sort the music for the youngsters as we continue to try to put plans into place so they can continue to play.

We also had a new little boy this week, Puba who is 5 1/2 years old and he seems to be settling in and he will join the nursery class at St Michaels school next week so we have been helping to prepare him for that. So I haven't started him on the violin I will do that in September - but I will need a few more little violins if more young children come into the hostel.

Priyanka has down with chicken pox - so that may start a whole run of that in the hostel.

I will try and sort some more pictures of things that have happened that I haven't got round to showing you yet and some of the developments happening on the compound.

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