Tuesday, 18 February 2014

19th February

Hi, I have a few moments so will put up a few more pictures of my trip to Bishnapur last week.

This is the large gateway to where there are a few temples in one area. All the temples as for Radha and Krishna.

Further out is a smaller gateway, taken from the large gateway,which used to have deep water between them.

Lalji Temple
I somehow missed the name to this temple
Then a little further along is Jor Bangla Temple built in 1655
This temple is also known as the temple of two houses, as it is two identical buildings side by side with a dome that joins them together. This temple is covered in pictures telling stories. Here are just a few.
People in a boat - I'm not sure which way you read the stories, round or up and down but the carvings are still very good and clear in the main.
Elephants are part of the story too.
Every wall was just covered with different pictures of different sizes.

Outside this temple was a man playing a string instrument, known as an aektara (aek - one, tara- string) a one stringed instrument. Now this was different to the aektara that I saw at the Tribal award ceremony.
This one as more like a drum end with the string between two rods.

We then travelled by minibus to the last one we saw which was Shyamrai Temple built in 1643, also known as 5 dome temple as it has five domes on the top.
This was also covered in carvings and pictures.
The idol of the god would be behind the door mesh in the centre.
A circular designed panel, as I said different shapes.

After lunch we visited a saree factory, making silk sarees.

There were six of these looms in a small building. The thread is so fine and the gold just glistened.

Just down the road is a large canon.
It's barrel is 3.8 metres in length and the diameter of the muzzle is 29.2 cm.

An interesting day.

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