Last week for three days was wet and miserable for much of the day, especially the afternoons when all the other children come to the centre too. It meant they had no space to run around and their lining up was done one the steps by the columns.
Here's Priti peeping out the door at the rain and soaked courtyard. I know it gets dark here just after 6 but on these day it was really gloomy by half three.
A lot of the week was spent in practising for the two events on Saturday, the 10th anniversary service of the Bishop's consecration and an short entertainment programme for the Bishop in the evening.
I also managed two shopping trips with Rev Ann F... from US who is staying and she was preaching the the anniversary service. On Thursday as we were about to get into the car to go shopping MrsKobiraj who helps look after the children and run and centre said to me about an English dance the girls needed to learn - this is only 48 hours before the event - Ann says my face was a picture and she was sorry not to have her camera in hand!!! - more on that later.
At least one morning started dry, rain often comes in about lunchtime, so the children here are having a run around game, I didn't understand it but they do and as usual it was boys against girls, reasonably even numbers on the younger ones in the hostel. The car in the background on the right of the picture has its usual wash and clean - then it took us shopping.
Shopping was interesting that morning - we didn't quite work out what was happening but men and armed guards came running through the shop, they shut and locked the exit on the top floor that goes out into a mall and great huddles of men and till people and a real crowd of guards, armed checking receipts and shopping bags as we went out. Then it is get past all the beggars as we go to the car, and hopefully the driver is not dosing so he can pull out to meet us. It is often children that are sent to tug at us with their empty bowls and the adults have learnt the necessary words in English, "no food".
In the evening after dinner and we had practised the songs for Saturday that the were learning, I had my camera out and Mithun sat posing, grinning at me but as usual as I went to take the picture he hid his face. He is the joker, live in clown of the group!! Anyway the three boys left did in the end stand on the desks and pose for a photo.
So left to right, Bidhan, Sanju and Mithun.
I was watching the younger girls practice their dance and make sure that they actually practised - not the music just going and a few half hearted movements which is sometimes the case when I was taken the by older girls through to their room. They are in the new hostel room over their dining hall and kitchen. It is light and airy and gives them more space.
As you can see from this picture, Puja, and Shanti posing. Shanti is one of the eight in that room and Puja is still in the other room.
I came through and their was Sumita decorating Ann's right foot with Henna.
Her finished foot being posed and photod by Parviti with Ann's camera Manju and Sumita looking on. So Chandni started on my left foot. The way they drew these patterns free hand on our feet was amazing.
And here is the finished result and my finger and toes nails painted also.
Last week their was also a holiday - Hindu Festival Puja - last week for the God of Iron and on these days the Hindus do not touch or go anywhere near anything that they work with. There are a lot of Pujas coming up over the next couple of months and some are four or five day holidays so I am hoping that the cellos are finished this week and we can pick them up before any more disruption and I get children playing those as well. The viola players are doing excellently after one week and reading the alto clef - which is unique to viola players as we are so special :).
I also, was asked and got involved in the making of the altar cloth for the cathedral to be ready for the Saturday as well. So spent some time in the sewing centre too. It still has work to be done on it but from a distance it looked fine and the embroidery will come later.
Doing a fitting on Friday in case anything else needs amending. So a pretty busy week.
Next blog will have all the details and pictures of the celebration day of the Saturday.
Here's Priti peeping out the door at the rain and soaked courtyard. I know it gets dark here just after 6 but on these day it was really gloomy by half three.
A lot of the week was spent in practising for the two events on Saturday, the 10th anniversary service of the Bishop's consecration and an short entertainment programme for the Bishop in the evening.
I also managed two shopping trips with Rev Ann F... from US who is staying and she was preaching the the anniversary service. On Thursday as we were about to get into the car to go shopping MrsKobiraj who helps look after the children and run and centre said to me about an English dance the girls needed to learn - this is only 48 hours before the event - Ann says my face was a picture and she was sorry not to have her camera in hand!!! - more on that later.
At least one morning started dry, rain often comes in about lunchtime, so the children here are having a run around game, I didn't understand it but they do and as usual it was boys against girls, reasonably even numbers on the younger ones in the hostel. The car in the background on the right of the picture has its usual wash and clean - then it took us shopping.
Shopping was interesting that morning - we didn't quite work out what was happening but men and armed guards came running through the shop, they shut and locked the exit on the top floor that goes out into a mall and great huddles of men and till people and a real crowd of guards, armed checking receipts and shopping bags as we went out. Then it is get past all the beggars as we go to the car, and hopefully the driver is not dosing so he can pull out to meet us. It is often children that are sent to tug at us with their empty bowls and the adults have learnt the necessary words in English, "no food".
In the evening after dinner and we had practised the songs for Saturday that the were learning, I had my camera out and Mithun sat posing, grinning at me but as usual as I went to take the picture he hid his face. He is the joker, live in clown of the group!! Anyway the three boys left did in the end stand on the desks and pose for a photo.
So left to right, Bidhan, Sanju and Mithun.
I was watching the younger girls practice their dance and make sure that they actually practised - not the music just going and a few half hearted movements which is sometimes the case when I was taken the by older girls through to their room. They are in the new hostel room over their dining hall and kitchen. It is light and airy and gives them more space.
As you can see from this picture, Puja, and Shanti posing. Shanti is one of the eight in that room and Puja is still in the other room.
I came through and their was Sumita decorating Ann's right foot with Henna.
Her finished foot being posed and photod by Parviti with Ann's camera Manju and Sumita looking on. So Chandni started on my left foot. The way they drew these patterns free hand on our feet was amazing.
And here is the finished result and my finger and toes nails painted also.
Last week their was also a holiday - Hindu Festival Puja - last week for the God of Iron and on these days the Hindus do not touch or go anywhere near anything that they work with. There are a lot of Pujas coming up over the next couple of months and some are four or five day holidays so I am hoping that the cellos are finished this week and we can pick them up before any more disruption and I get children playing those as well. The viola players are doing excellently after one week and reading the alto clef - which is unique to viola players as we are so special :).
I also, was asked and got involved in the making of the altar cloth for the cathedral to be ready for the Saturday as well. So spent some time in the sewing centre too. It still has work to be done on it but from a distance it looked fine and the embroidery will come later.
Doing a fitting on Friday in case anything else needs amending. So a pretty busy week.
Next blog will have all the details and pictures of the celebration day of the Saturday.
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